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Slow Rivers (02/2018) by Bateaux Inconnus

 Tracklist (total length = 49:52)

1. Crystal Sun
2. The Nile Awakens
3. Slow Rivers
4. Plus ne suis ce que j'ai été
5. Pluie Parisienne
6. An Embrace of the Sea
7. A la Rivière du Loir
8. Waters Take and Waters Give
9. Sunset over the Ocean
10. Setting Sail
During the day they sleep. Moored alongside bustling cities, they're nothing but a part of the background. Come dusk, they wake, and at midnight sails are set. Unseen, like shades in the night, unknown boats glide towards the sea. A new journey begins.
Plus ne suis ce que j'ai été : after the poem with the same title by Clément Marot.
A la Rivière du Loir : after the poem with the same title by Pierre de Ronsard.
This album can be downloaded from Bandcamp.

Albums by Bateaux Inconnus

 --- 02/2018 ---
Slow Rivers
--- 09/2022 ---
Seas and Mirrors

Website and contents by nobody