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Fade - Die (04/2002) by I Dream No More

 Tracklist (total length = 99:11)

original tracks
1. Silent Winter
2. Hibernus Silentius
3. Guardians of Time
4. Fade Die
5. The Golden Shine

split tracks
6. Entering The Singularity
7. Chyriax
8. Drorvnen Hell
9. Sector 9CE-4R
This album can be downloaded from Bandcamp. This is a remastered version of the original, released in December 2017. The 4 tracks from the split album with Dios Incandescente are included.

Albums by I Dream No More

--- 11/2000 ---
Split album
--- 04/2002 ---
Fade - Die
--- 04/2009 ---
Split album
--- 04/2010 ---
La Ultima Frontera
--- 12/2020 ---
The Final Border

 --- 05/2022 ---
The Citadel Flee...

Website and contents by nobody