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Split album (04/2009) by I Dream No More

 Tracklist (total length = 31:53)

I Dream No More
1. Entering The Singularity
2. Chyriax
3. Drorvnen Hell
4. Sector 9CE-4R

Dios Incandescente
5. Synthetic Astral Noise
7. Michimahuida
8. Strange Mountain
The 4 tracks from the split album with Dios Incandescente are included with the remastered version of the Fade - Die album, which can be downloaded from Bandcamp.
Downloads of the tracks by Dios Incandescente currently not available.

Albums by I Dream No More

--- 11/2000 ---
Split album
--- 04/2002 ---
Fade - Die
--- 04/2009 ---
Split album
--- 04/2010 ---
La Ultima Frontera
--- 12/2020 ---
The Final Border

 --- 05/2022 ---
The Citadel Flee...

Website and contents by nobody