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The Citadel Fleets of Ekket-Faug (05/2022) by I Dream No More

 Tracklist (total length = 55:02)

01. From Far Horizons
02. Like Dust Caught in the Void
03. Techno-Sarcophagus
04. Hints of Echoes
05. Endlessly Toiling Maintenance Droids
06. The Crystal Heart of the Ship
07. Reactor Boot Sequence
08. Scanning Long-Forgotten Opponents
09. Priming Ancient Entanglement Drives
10. Onward, Graveyard Vessels
This album can be downloaded from Bandcamp.

Albums by I Dream No More

--- 11/2000 ---
Split album
--- 04/2002 ---
Fade - Die
--- 04/2009 ---
Split album
--- 04/2010 ---
La Ultima Frontera
--- 12/2020 ---
The Final Border

 --- 05/2022 ---
The Citadel Flee...

Website and contents by nobody