
Species : Human. Occupation : Teamster.
Date of birth : 55 BA, Sarbru.
Gudmund would accompany his parents on their cargo deliveries and learned the details of the trade from them since an early age. After their sudden passing, he continued working as a teamster.
While he lives in a modest house, he isn't poor. The northern region of the kingdom is growing, providing many opportunities for someone who doesn't mind long days on the road.
Gudmund's parents died in Sarhamn, in 35 BA.
Appearances :
Era I, chapter 2 : Gudmund finds a gemstone. He delivers it to a strange store in Twaebach, but is asked to place it in the open again.
Era I, chapter 4 : In Sarhamn, Gudmund finds another gemstone. In Rydhem he finds a familiar store and is again asked to place the gem outside.
Era I, chapter 6 : A whispering voice brings his attention to another gem. He discovers another store, owned by a young woman named Eirin.
Era I, chapter 8 : Gudmund finds another gem, but something goes wrong. He seeks out Eirin, who in turn calls upon a peculiar figure, Xamyryn.
Era I, chapter 10 : While visiting Eirin, another gem is brought in. Through it, Gudmund sees giant dark shapes writhing high up in the skies.
Era I, chapter 12 : As Gudmund waits for Xamyryn to appear he listens to Eirin's experiences with the eye-gems.
Era I, chapter 14 : In Eirin's shop, Gudmund witnesses her experiencing a troubling vision. He tries to summon Xamyryn but without success.
Era I, chapter 22 : Gudmund picked up news of the events in Dubrholm, and is convinced Xamyryn attacked the purple creature.
Era I, chapter 62 : On the market in Vithrborg, Gudmund notices the lack of Ca'anian, caused by Akurheim's laws.
Era I, chapter 75 : Gudmund hasn't aged since being changed by the eye-gems, but he lost many friends along the way, and must wear a disguise.
Era I, chapter 78 : Gudmund realises their situation can't last. Somethings feels absent about his and Eirin's lives.
Era I, chapter 82 : Gudmund and Eirin depart from Vithrborg, first to gather their friends, then to travel to a place Xamyryn prepared.
Era I, chapter 168 : Gudmund was asked to transport something somewhere south.
Era I, chapter 171 : Gudmund and Eirin give Vardissa a lift to the nearest town.
Era I, chapter 183 : Having waited in Ferhabn, Gudmund was told to travel to Øst Herg.
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