
Species : Mithri. Role : n/a.
Date of birth : unknown.

The Mithri are a species of purple jelly-like creatures. They are thought to be primitive and use no technology, yet they are able to travel through space. The creatures are capable of feeding on nearly everything, and seem to prefer Xyloxi material above all other matter. As they eat, they essentially convert their food into the material they are made of with almost no waste, growing in size. Every time they add mass to themselves they may grow smarter, more perceptive, if the food gets transformed into sensing and processing organs, which appears to be a random process.

Appearances :

Era I, chapter 1 : The Mithri specimen that has made its way to the inner regions of a star system knows it's being observed.
Era I, chapter 9 : The Mithri changes its orbit, getting closer to the planet.
Era I, chapter 11 : The Mithri grows long tentacles that reach far into the planet's atmosphere.
Era I, chapter 13 : The Mithri attempts a landing, but ends up sacrificing most of its mass doing so to ensure a small part survives, then splits up.
Era I, chapter 16 : One of the parts of the original Mithri tries to makes sense of the new environment. It picks up a sign of its enemy.
Era I, chapter 18 : The Mitri makes its way to a small village, where it has detected a crystal shard.
Era I, chapter 20 : The crystal shard the Mithri has enveloped explodes, damaging the Mithri.
Era I, chapter 29 : The Mithri near Fergrad is destroyed by Chyriax.
Era I, chapter 31 : The Mithri near Dubrholm is destroyed by Chyriax, Xeryan and Oxyllia.
Era I, chapter 34 : A farmer in Caelkirch discovers a purple form changing shape to mimic one of his cows.
Era I, chapter 35 : In Eldvithr, a hunter finds several purple chunks, some of which seem to change form.
Era I, chapter 46 : In Eldvithr, the Mithri has unleashed a form mimicking Chyriax in her dragon form and one looking like Lyubomir.
Era I, chapter 53 : The specimen in the Harvilg Meadows is defeated by a troop of royal soldiers. Afterwards, Suhekazu destroys the remains.
Era I, chapter 61 : The Mithri in Gaedswolde becomes aware of something attacking it.
Era I, chapter 68 : Suhekazu believes there's a connection between the large Mithri specimens and the hordes of smaller forms.
Era I, chapter 69 : Suhekazu witnesses the event that leads to the creation of smaller demons.
Era I, chapter 70 : Suhekazu sets up his own experiments to figure out the Mithri's behaviour.
Era I, chapter 71 : Suhekazu's experiments allow him to briefly control a smaller Mithr specimen.
Era I, chapter 73 : Shaurya and Chyriax see a sudden change in the Mithri's behaviour.
Era I, chapter 91 : In the Highlands, a large Mithri specimen is destroyed.
Era I, chapter 114 : Tarik's experiments cause a draurgur to appear in the old guard tower.
Era I, chapter 127 : A troop of smaller specimens is destroyed by the Ca'anian from Aegis.
Era I, chapter 129 : Another group of Mithri specimens is defeated by Aegis.
Era I, chapter 131 : Aegis sets out to fight a large group of Mithri. A small number split off to follow Grey and Kara.
Era I, chapter 134 : Among a group of Mithri facing the warriors from Aegis, there is a single draurgur.
Era I, chapter 137 : Once more the warriors of Aegis return home after a battle won against the Mithri.
Era I, chapter 139 : Three draurgur appear in the tower and cause mayhem. One of them kills Tarik.
Era I, chapter 140 : The draurgur poison still affects Grey.
Era I, chapter 148 : The two, smaller troops sent out are easily defeated by Aegis.
Era I, chapter 149 : One of the original specimens has ceased its slumber.
Era I, chapter 150 : The Gaedswolde creature advances slowly, but doesn't reveal its target.
Era I, chapter 153 : The Gaedswolde devourer appears to follow Grey.
Era I, chapter 154 : The Eldvithr specimen destroys the attacker's main weapons.
Era I, chapter 155 : One of the Mithri's old victims wasn't fully defeated.
Era I, chapter 172 : Several draurgur, but no other demons end up at a settlement in Gaedswolde.
Era I, chapter 181 : A new kind of demon, like a giant draurgur, is seen for the first time.
Era I, chapter 187 : Fjellsinge has been turned into a trap which keeps people from leaving the mine.
Era I, chapter 188 : Something hides in the old mine tunnels under the border between Gaedswolde and Akurheim.
Era I, chapter 189 : The immediate mithri threat ends after an unexpected intervention by Xamyryn.

Era II, chapter 1 : A Mithri specimen has landed on Xyralyx' planet.
Era II, chapter 2 : The Mithri managed to destroy Xyralyx and remains within the planet.

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