
Radovan is a captain in the royal armies, and is tasked with patrolling the southern regions of Østeng province.

Appearances :

Era I, chapter 170 : Radovan is tasked with the protection of the southern areas, and villages can call upon him if they spot trouble.
Era I, chapter 176 : Radovan has stationed a number of his troop in the forest to catch people avoiding the bridge crossing.
Era I, chapter 178 : Radovan realises he might need help to apprehend Grey.
Era I, chapter 179 : Radovan forgets to ask Irmhild for help, and also seems oblivious to all which is out of place in Alt Traer.
Era I, chapter 180 : People in Øst Tarn make clear they're not too fond of Radovan and his soldiers.
Era I, chapter 185 : Irmhild has convinced the captain Alt Traer no longer needs to be patrolled.
Era I, chapter 186 : Radovan reluctantly stays out of Alt Traer, but doesn't stray far.
Era I, chapter 188 : Still not convinced Irmhild did wrong, Radovan has been asked to assist one he considers a traitor.
Era I, chapter 189 : Radovan travels to Fjellsinge with his entire squad.
Era I, chapter 190 : Upon leaving Alt Traer, Radovan had taken all the horses in town.

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Website and content by Stijn Van Cauter